Schoolwide Improvement Plan: Caneview
Click the image to see our CVE SWIP!
LEAP Testing Resourses:
Section 504:
Iberia Parish School System does not discriminate on the basis of disability in admission or access to, or treatment or employment in any program or activity. Please contact the school for information on the identification, evaluation, and placement of students with disabilities. 337-369-6517
Act 369/ Internet Safety Information:
Act 369 requires school systems to provide parents with information relative to Internet safety. The Louisiana Department of Education has developed a flyer for families highlighting this important information including the dangers of Internet pornography and cyberbullying.Internet Safety Flyer. The flyer is available in Spanish, Arabic and Vietnamese on the Iberia Parish School District website and in the LDOE Family Support Toolbox Library.
Cook Center Resources:
The mission of the Cook Center for Human Connection is to bring together the best organizations, programs and products to prevent suicide, provide mental health support, and enhance human connections essential for people to thrive. Through their partner, parents can receive free resources to find answers to help their child(ren).’s content is led by therapists who provide trusted and specialized courses, professional support and a safe community of parents helping each other. Their library of courses offer hope, answers and compassionate help. For more information click on the link. Cook Center for Human Connection